About Cimplement Group
How do you define leadership and why is it important? For us leadership is a set of behaviors that, in a given context, align an organization, foster execution and ensure organizational renewal and success. They are enabled by relevant skills and mindsets, that can be trained and developed.
Leadership comes alive in the behaviors that are used, felt and observed across an organization, and the defined behaviors should be linked to each organization's values.
Leaders must be able to create motivation, alignment and execution as well as being able to lead the organization and the employees through the different faces of change.
Leadership development initiatives must help leaders forge relevant on-the-job skills and behaviors. As said by management authority Henry Mintzberg , “Leadership, like swimming, cannot be learned by reading about it.”
A leader’s ability to demonstrate effective leadership should reflect relevant skills obtained by real-life experience. A leader should be able to strong storytelling, excellent written and verbal communication, influencing skills, and the ability to anticipate and seize pivotal moments.
Leaders must develop the right mindsets based on self-reflection and self-awareness. Often, underlying mindsets – including needs, fears and core beliefs – are what drive a leader’s behavior in a situation. These underlying, instinctive behaviors are usually the ones that show up when a leader is under pressure or stress, that is, in situations when you have to perform your best.